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Premium Package
Standard Package
Free Package
General information
Offers is unlimited for Premium Package
Events is unlimited for Premium Package
Pictures of interior and food are unlimited for Package Standard and Premium
Restaurant decides whether to provide the discount or not, and decides on the amount of the discount
This service is provided for free. The order is sent either directly to the restaurant or to the appropriate food delivery service. We only get the commission
A service that will help to be in touch with the guests of your restaurant, listen to their wishes, gratitude or dissatisfaction
An effective tool for engaging only interested audiences. Unlike the geo-location function that provides real mapping of the restaurant on the city map, rotation allows you to move/upgrage your restaurant to the first place in manual mode if searched by: the main or additional services, the street, type of cuisine; or to highlight it among the similar establishments within the city
LunchPoint`s functional service is configured so that the advertises of your establishments are seen only by the guests, who really want to see it. You can advertise at any time and for any budget